Thursday, 7 February 2013

ASP.NET Charts and CRM 2011 Using FetchXML

I was recently tasked with implementing some “dashboard” functionality within the standard Dynamics CRM 2011 Customer Portal to allow clients to see an overview of current cases, using various metrics. After thinking through the possibilities (Silverlight, JQuery, 3rd party controls) I decided to utilise ASP.NET Charts as a) they have been greatly improved in the latest versions of the .NET Framework and b) well, the standard dashboard in CRM uses them so they can’t be that bad! The initial plan was to have an ASP.NET Chart with a LINQ data source (pointing at CRM) however, due to some limitation in CRM for LINQ I had to resort to using FetchXML. The problem was around the “groupby” LINQ method not being supported by the CRM for LINQ libraries (at least not at the time of writing this). FetchXML however does have aggregate behaviour, so was an obvious backup plan.
Now, if you know ASP.NET and its data bound controls you will probably think there is no way you could have an EntityCollection (the result of performing a FetchXML operation) as a DataSource for an ASP:Chart (or ASP:Gridview for that matter). Well you would be right. The trick is to convert the resulting EntityCollection into a standard .NET Datatable, and then set that as the DataSource for the chart.
To summarise, this is the requirement: a pie chart in the Customer Portal showing the client an overview and summary of their current active cases, grouped by status (statuscode). There are more complex graphs and metrics required for the overall dashboard, but I have chosen the simplest one to demonstrate as part of this post.
The process for achieving this is as follows.
1. Add a chart to your aspx page (from the ToolBox), set its type to pie. If you are using Visual Studio 2010 or greater the chart controls will already be right there in the Toolbox:
If you are using an older version you may need to download and install the .NET Framework Chart Controls add on.
The mark up for the pie chart should be:
<asp:Chart ID="ChartActiveCasesByStatus" runat="server" Width="460px" >
                <asp:Series Name="Cases" YValueMembers="incidentcount" IsValueShownAsLabel="true" XValueMember="status"
                    IsVisibleInLegend="true" ChartType="Pie">
                <asp:ChartArea Name="ChartArea1" Area3DStyle-Enable3D="false">
                    <AxisX LineColor="DarkGray">
                        <MajorGrid LineColor="LightGray" />
                    <AxisY LineColor="DarkGray">
                        <MajorGrid LineColor="LightGray" />
<Area3DStyle Enable3D="false"></Area3DStyle>
                    <InnerPlotPosition Height="100" Width="100" />
                <asp:Legend Title="Status">

All of the elements within this mark-up can be tailored to suit the look and feel you require. This is just the standard look with a couple of minor tweaks to add a title to the legend, and also set the “InnerPlotPosition” to have the pie chart more central within the control.
2. Once the chart is in place the next thing that is required is the code to get the data we need from CRM in the right format, converted to a DataTable, and set as the DataSource for the chart (and then a DataBind() call on the chart of course). The code is remarkably simple:
string casesByStatus = @"
                <fetch distinct='false' mapping='logical' aggregate='true'>
                <entity name='incident'>
                <attribute name='incidentid' alias='incidentcount' aggregate='count'/>
                <attribute name='statuscode' groupby='true' alias='status' />
                <filter type='and'>
                <condition attribute='customerid' operator='eq' value='{" + Contact.ParentCustomerId.Id.ToString() + "}' />" +
                "<condition attribute='statecode' operator='eq' value='0' />" +
                "</filter> " +
                "</entity> " +

            EntityCollection quotes_result = ServiceContext.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(casesByStatus));
            ChartActiveCasesByStatus.DataSource = ConvertToDataTable(quotes_result);

We have our FetchXML string, retrieving all the active cases (incidents) for the logged in client, a count of them, grouped by statuscode.
The ConvertToDataTable(quotes_result) is where we call our method to convert our EntityCollection into a DataTable ready to be a valid DataSource for our chart. The code for this:
  private static DataTable ConvertToDataTable(EntityCollection entityCollection)
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            int total = entityCollection.Entities.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
                DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
                Entity myEntity = (Entity)entityCollection.Entities[i];
                var keys = myEntity.Attributes.Keys;
                foreach (var key in keys)
                    if (key.EndsWith("id"))
                    string columnName = key;
                    string value = GetValuefromAttribute(myEntity.Attributes[key], myEntity.FormattedValues.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Key == key));
                    if (dt.Columns.IndexOf(columnName) == -1)
                        dt.Columns.Add(key, Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    row[columnName] = value;
            return dt;

        private static string GetValuefromAttribute(object unformattedAttribute, KeyValuePair<string, string> formattedAttribute)
            if (formattedAttribute.Value == null)
                return GetValueFromCRMTypeAttribute(unformattedAttribute);
                return formattedAttribute.Value;

        private static string GetValueFromCRMTypeAttribute(object p)
            if (p.ToString() == "Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue")
                return ((OptionSetValue)p).Value.ToString();
            if (p.ToString() == "Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Money")
                return ((Money)p).Value.ToString();

            if (p.ToString() == "Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference")

                return ((Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference)p).Name;

            if (p.ToString() == "Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AliasedValue")
                return GetValueFromCRMTypeAttribute(((Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AliasedValue)p).Value);
                return p.ToString();

This code goes through every Entity in the EntityCollection and generates a new row for each. Then a calculation is performed on each CRM data type within the entity to retrieve the value as a string and put it into a Column of the DataRow. The code was adapted to CRM 2011 from an existing forum post that showed how to do this in CRM 4.0 ( )

That’s it. This is what it looks like in the portal:

Pretty basic with regard to presentation, but this is where you can play with that mark-up, get the colour scheme you want, make it 3d etc. etc.
A fairly painless introduction to ASP.NET charts and CRM, but things do get a little hairier with line charts with multiple series & categories….maybe I will save that for another post.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nick,

    Can you share the page with example? How do you host the aspx page inside crm 2011.. i am not able to add it as a web resource.
